Monday, January 21, 2008
Bill Clinton at MLK B-Day Speech:
"Snore...Have they voted for us yet?...."It's only 90 seconds long, but you must watch it all the way through - at midpoint he starts to really lose it, and at the end.. well, I don't want to spoil it for you...BONUS:
Hillary gets revenge
Some guy on YouTube posts his confession/ polygraph challenge about OBAMAS LIMO SEX & DRUG PARTY"...Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Hill's supporters plead:
"If we vote for you, will you stop talking?"

SNOWBALLS IN HELL: P9/11 links to Washington Post; Washington Post eviscerates Hillary....
In a lugubrious tone that brings to mind a last-minute stranger brought in to say the eulogy over a dead pet, Wapo's Dana Milbank narrates a three and half minute video of a Hillary rally as "Fired-up and ready to bore..."